Keep Water Crystal Clear In Less Time

If you take pride in your aquarium and want to make sure the water is always crystal clear without spending your entire day working on it, you’ve come to the right place. At, we can help you save time and money and get crystal clear water in your aquarium!

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Chances are, you have probably seen aquariums all your life. Rectangular glass tanks with water sparkling in the light, with a bevy of fish in vivid colors flitting from one end to another, the bottom of the tank filled with rocks, pebbles, seaweed and algae look-alikes. Yep, they’re everywhere - from the waiting area at your dentist’s to restaurants and hotel lobbies.

buying guide
Looks like you’ve decided on an aquarium tank and after a lot of deliberation over the hundreds of options available to you, you’ve carefully chosen every single fish and plant that goes in there. But have you spared a thought or two about the best way to look after your fish?

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AquaClear 110 Power Filter Review
The AquaClean 110 Power Filter, is a HOB (hang on back) aquarium filter from a leading brand that has won over the aquarist community with its diverse range of aquarium maintenance products, from aquarium filters to filtration media, as well as other products that can meet the needs of varied kinds of aquariums, depending on size, volume and the fish they host.

Flexzion HW-302 Canister Filter Review
While it is true that they are heavier as compared to power filters, canister aquarium filters have always been an old favorite with aquarists, particularly those who own large aquarium tanks. In fact, the idea that canister filters have to necessarily be bulky, difficult to install and maintain is an age-old notion, one that is being steadily defied by brands like Flexzion with its range of canister aquarium filters that are super-effective, as well as, easy to use.

Aqueon QuietFlow 50 Power Filter Review
If you’re worried that getting a highly effective power aquarium filter automatically means having to put up with a rumbling, whirring motor, this HOB (hang on back) aquarium filter from Aqueon will change your mind in no time.

Penn Plax Cascade 1000 Canister Filter Review
This one is a canister aquarium filter from a brand that was pretty much born out of the love for fish-keeping. Considered a market leader, Penn-Plax is a trustworthy brand that has been providing well-designed, sturdy, innovative yet affordable products to aquarists, since its inception in 1956.
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